Thursday, September 25, 2008

How majestic is this beautiful mountain

Notice the igloo. It was closed, but it out about 150 miles from Anchorage and about 125 from Fairbanks. in the middle of nowhere. It is only open from May-Sept. during the tourist season. It is made of concrete, not ice though. This majestic mtn. is Mt. McKinley. It is over 20,000 ft. above sea level, more than 7--- ft. higher than Pike's Peak. It looks like it is made of ice and actually it creates its own weather pattern, so it is covered in ice all the time. From this point, it is nearly 100 miles from where we are to the mtn. This is the Anchorage side. From the Fairbanks side, there is very little ice because of its weather pattern. I have a pix of it from that side I think, but it was not clear enough to put on blog. We turned around when we crossed this river and at the top was not the highest peak but one of the highest. It is a beautiful pix. AMAZING

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